Legal responsibility
according to German Law (§ 55 Abs. 2 RStV):
Berliner Forum für Geschichte und Gegenwart e.V.
Wartburgstrasse 42, 10823 Berlin, Germany
Telephone: +49 30 216 35 71
Telefax: +49 30 78 89 42 94
E-Mail: info[at]
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg (Charlottenburg District Court), VR 13064 Nz
Authorized representatives of the Board of Directors:
Monica Geyler-von Bernus, Cornelia Ganz, Christiane Eitel, Birgit Kahl
Project management
and Editor-in-chief: Ben Buschfeld
Responsible according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV, in correspondance to §§ 5, 6 TMG
Monica Geyler-von Bernus, Wartburgstrasse 42, 10823 Berlin, Germany
Financial support and context
Part of the
European Cultural Heritage Year and the Sharing Heritage programme
With the support of
Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
(The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media), Department K54 – Monument Protection and World Heritage |
With participation of
City of Berlin – Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa (Senate Department for Culture and European Affairs), represented by the Oberste Denkmalschutzbehörde (Supreme Monument Authority)
Programme coordination
Geschäftsstelle des Deutschen Nationalkomitees für Denkmalschutz (German National Committee for Monument Protection) at the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
Project realisation
General realisation
Berliner Forum für Geschichte und Gegenwart e.V.
Supported by
Obere Denkmalschutzbehörde (Supreme Monument Authority):
Dr Dagmar Tille, Dr Beatrix Burtin
Landesdenkmalamt Berlin (Federal Authority of Monument Affairs):
Dr Ramona Dornbusch (World Heritage Officer in Berlin until June 2019)
Concept and design
Ben Buschfeld
in collaboration with
Monica Geyler-von Bernus
and Dora Busch
Project management
Monica Geyler-von Bernus
Ben Buschfeld
Additional information
on the project, authors and objectives
Content, text and editing
Text and content developed by
Ben Buschfeld [BB]
– Glossary
– History of Berlin
– Basic text, tours and stories about
– Schillerpark Houisng Estate
– Hufeisensiedlung / Large Housing Estate Britz
– Carl Legien Residential Estate
– White City Reinickendorf
– ca. 60% of all biographies
– Picture editing
Dora Busch [DB]
– Falkenberg Garden City
(Basic text and stories + resident biographies)
Reinhard von Bernus [RvB]
– Siemensstadt Housing Estate
(Basic text and stories + architects biographies)
Reinhard von Bernus
Monica Geyler-von Bernus
Ben Buschfeld
Dora Busch
Translation to English
Website design
Concept and web design
Ben Buschfeld, - graphic and interface design
Web development and coding
Editorial webmastering
Ben Buschfeld
Technical webmastering
Juergen Arne Klein
Map editing
Katrin Lesser
Ben Buschfeld
Daniela Burghardt
Juergen Arne Klein
Photos and illustrations
Contemporary colour photographs
unless otherwise noted, all photos were taken by Ben Buschfeld (BB) · - graphic and interface design or
Katrin Lesser (KL) · - garden and landscape arcitect
Note: For the sake of simplicity, the two main photographers are named with initials only. Both authors are represented by VG Bild according to German copyright regulations.
Other images
Historical recordings: see references in captions below
Graphics, facsimiles and illustrations: see references in captions below
Archive of Katrin Lesser
Archive of Brenne Architekten
Additional thanks to
Deutsche Wohnen SE Wohnungsbaugesellschaft von 1892 eG
Monument authorities of Berlin
UNESCO project schools in Berlin
All private lenders and archives
All members of the focus groups from the concept evaluation workshop
Reserved rights
All reproduction rights are - unless otherwise stated in the caption - held by the photographers, authors or lending agencies and archives and may not be used or copied without their explicit written permission.
for all contemporary photographs please contact
Ben Buschfeld (BB) - - graphic and interface design
Use in the context of project documentation
All use of extracts from this website is exempt in the following contexts:
- Documentation within the Sharing Heritage programme
- Documentation by the above-mentioned funding bodies
- in the context of press and media coverage
Special conditions apply within the communication of the World Heritage Site by governmental authorities or such organisations dealing with UNESCO World Heritage communication on an official, non-commercial basis. Any exemptions and/or special conditions may NOT be transferred to third parties without prior written agreement. This includes all forms of commercial use, such as by providers of guided tours or other tourism-related, educational or commercial organisations. The German copyright laws apply. License fees are charged for the granting of rights of use.
Use in the context of school or study work
All image material used on this website is - unless marked as public domain in the caption - protected by copyright. The use of all photographs by Ben Buschfeld (BB) and Katrin Lesser (KL) is free for school or homework purposes. However, the authors ask that the source and the full name of the photographer be indicated. Any use beyond the purely school and/or university context (e.g. if images are to be published publicly) requires permission. License fees may apply here.
Other information
Should there be any doubt about the legality of such illustrations, which have been marked as "in the public domain" and circulated by third parties, the operators ask for notification and will immediately endeavour to replace, correct references, clarify or delete them.
Linked content
The creation of links on educational portals is expressly desired. However, the link should be made directly to the start page or clearly indicate source, origin and authorship. The integration of text passages and images that visually fit into the design of other online offers without making the source visible (so-called "deep-framing" or via the use of "inline frames") is prohibited.
For schools and museums
Monica Geyler-von Bernus
Ben Buschfeld
Press and the Media
Please contact:
Berliner Forum für Geschichte und Gegenwart e.V.,
Ben Buschfeld, Monica Geyler
Obere Denkmalschutzbhörde Berlin, Dr Beatrix Burtin
Contact via Social Media
Travelling exhibition
Parallel to this website, there is a mobile bilingual exhibition on the six "Berlin Modernist Housing Estates". It consists of seven roll-up banners or stable exhibition panels. If your institution is interested to host and show the exhibition please contact:
Obere Denkmalschutzbehörde Berlin, Dr Beatrix Burtin or Ben Buschfeld.
Guided Tours
There are several providers who specialise in architectural and cultural topics and offer guided tours through the individual components of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Berlin Modernist Housing Estates" on request. You can find special overviews of guided tours through the estates at and at